As many people know by now, the new Play Station 4 is a new version of the popular PlayStation 3 game console that lets you play the PS4 games on a TV. Unfortunately, a lot of people have had trouble playing the games, as the screen of the TV does not fit the screen of the PS4 game console properly.

This is a major problem, and Sony is working on a fix for it. After the new Playstation 4 arrives, we will send out an email with instructions on how to fix your display.

The fix is being built by Sony for the new Playstation 4 and will be coming out in one or two weeks. We expect a patch to work with the next firmware build, which should be released within a few weeks. But don’t expect to play a game on your PS4 until then. It probably won’t be until it has been patched that it’ll be playable on PS4.

That’s right. Sony is patching the problem. The fact that the patch is called “Fix for PS4’s Rent Display” is all part of Sony’s plan to make the new console feel as new, current, and useful as possible.

It is interesting that Sony is doing this, because the first thing to go in this new system will be the disc drive, and that means that there will likely be no more backwards compatibility for games purchased before the next firmware build. We hope that fixing this means that the rent games for the PS4 will be playable on the next firmware update, but we are still a little concerned that Sony is going to make the PS4 look old, current, and useful.

Yes, it makes sense. The PS4 is the last console to have backwards compatibility for all games. Sony has said that backward compatibility is a good thing, and that they expect it will make Sony the leader in gaming. It also means that not all games will be compatible, and some may be removed from the system entirely.

That said, backwards compatibility makes it easier to update the system, and if you don’t want to update, you can still get games that are compatible with the older system.

One of the reasons Sony has made backwards compatibility such a big deal is because if Sony stopped doing it, then many games that were originally optimized for the PS2 would be unable to run on the PS4. It’s also not exactly clear what the next step is in Sony’s plan for backwards compatibility, but it seems likely to be a bit of a patching and reloading process.

Its also possible that Sony did not want to allow backwards compatibility. I think this could simply be a PR move in disguise. The truth is that Sony has a history of making decisions that have a direct impact on the way we play our games. Back in the days of the PlayStation 2, Sony had a policy of not supporting games that were not compatible with its hardware.


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