What? We are going to cancel your subscription? Yes. We are going back to the “where do I go to find the best deals on the internet?” place. Are we going to cancel all of your subscriptions? Yes.
A subscription is a recurring monthly payment that lets you access additional content online. So if you subscribe to X, Y, Z, etc. and then cancel, you will still have access to that content.
Your subscription will be cancelled immediately. But you can cancel your subscription by contacting support at the company’s website and requesting a refund. But that’s not the best way to do it because you will be out of access to specific content.
For the second time in a week, the Xbox team has sent out a reminder email to customers not to cancel their subscriptions to Xbox Live. The reason given was that there were some issues with the account itself and that if you did cancel, it would also affect your ability to access the online store. We’re still not sure what those issues are, and we’ll probably have more questions after the holidays.
The Xbox team has a number of other reasons why subscriptions are not cancelled, but the emails are one to the fact that you will be out of access to specific games/content. I have never had any issues with my subscription with the Xbox shop, but this really is a significant problem.
The store itself has always been one of my favorite places to buy games, and there’s no reason to expect it to suddenly disappear. This is especially true because the PS3 store and PSN Store are both still available, so canceling isn’t going to have an impact on your purchase. If you have a PS3, Xbox 360, or PSVita, you can still buy PS3 games.
I have a PS3 and have not ever had any issues with any of my games being removed so I dont understand the logic behind canceling a game subscription.
I understand the logic behind canceling a subscription, but it’s a bit unfair to ask you to cancel a subscription just because you want to get rid of a game for a few weeks. It’s not like you’re going to have to wait a month or two for it to be removed, and there’s no reason to expect that to happen.