nurse, stethoscope, medicine @ Pixabay

An ENT Specialist is a medical doctor who has completed 4 years of training after high school.

Specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases that affect the ear.

They have extensive knowledge about how to treat cancer, allergic reactions, infections, chronic sinusitis, ruptured eardrums and many other conditions.

That can impact hearing or balance.

A specialist who treats diseases of the ear is an ENT, or Ear Nose and Throat doctor.

They’ve completed four years of medical training after high school to specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions that affect hearing or balance.


bethesda naval medical center, maryland, doctor @ Pixabay

They have extensive knowledge about how to treat cancer, allergies, infections, chronic sinusitis, ruptured eardrums and many other conditions that can impact your ability to hear or maintain a sense of balance.

After graduating from high school .

Sudden deafness (sudden onset permanent loss of hearing) among others.


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