pyrite, pyrites, mineral @ Pixabay

In chemistry, determining the number of moles is a vital skill.

A mole is defined as the amount of substance that has 6.02 x 10^23 particles in it.

hands, clapping, dust @ Pixabay

For example, if you have a sample with 232 grams and want to know how many moles are in it, then you would take the mass (in grams) .

Divided by 1/6.02 x 10^23 which results in 34.9 moles being present in your sample!

Number of Words:  Bullet Point: The sum total number of moles in a substance is equal to the mass (in grams) divided by the number of atoms or molecules.

Which has been estimated as being around Avogadro’s Number.

For example, if you have 102 grams and want to know how many moles are present then divide this figure by 100/Avogadro’s number and get 101 moles.

If you wanted 104 moles, then it would be 102 /(100 x Avogadro’s number).

Which equals 106-103=105 mol.

This calculation also works with any other units; for instance, 100mL can be converted into kilomols.


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