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So what I mean is, that it’s not the same as when you use your PS3 to play some PS2 games. The PS2 games run on the PS3 hardware, the PS2 games run on the PS2 hardware.

Yeah, but it’s not the same as the PS3 games running on your PS2. The PS2 games won’t run on your PS2 hardware. For that, you have to buy a disc. And unless you’re playing a PlayStation Classic game that runs on your PS3 hardware, then disc-based games are no longer valid. These games are the ones that come with your PlayStation Classic box. They’re the only ones that are valid.

If you have a PS3 (or a PS2 in this case), you can use the PS3’s internal memory to play your PS2 games. But if you don’t have an internal PS3 or a PS2, you cant play those PS2 games on your PS3. If you did use a PS3 and you dont have an internal PS3, then you have to grab a disc.

So basically, if you buy a game on ps2, your only option for playing it on ps3 is if you have a PS3. The only way to play the disc based games on a ps3 is to buy the disc. For the rest of the games you can play on your internal memory.

The PS3 disc system is an interesting idea. The PS3 is a very powerful machine and is capable of processing a ton of PS2 games at once. But the PS2 games are a bit too slow. So some companies have built their PS3 discs to process these games at faster speeds. The result is a disc that can process PS3 games at half the normal speed.

The PS3 disc system is not designed to be a permanent solution, like the PS2 disc system was. The discs contain copies of the game, but they can only be used on the PS3. So you really need to buy the disc to get the game. It’s very expensive, and it’s not a quick fix.

I have heard that there are some companies that make PS3 discs that can be used on the PS3, but you have to buy the disc. But I like to believe there are actually PS3 game discs that are compatible with the PS3.

I’ve heard that they can be bought online or at stores like Target and Best Buy.

Actually, I don’t think you can buy online anything so I can’t really tell you what to do. So I’m not sure what else to say about the disc. I would say that it’s worth a look if your computer’s compatible, but I’d look for the retail disc too.

I think you should look for the retail disc. I dont know if this is the best way to go about it because its a bit tricky, but if its compatible, its totally worth it.


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