It is with this same mentality that we can be so fixated on what we want and need. We think we should know everything and therefore won’t know anything. In reality, we have an entire history of our lives, all of our experiences, and all of our lives. Most of us are so fixated on what we desire and need that we don’t even think about the rest of our lives.
Well if you don’t know what you want and need, you’ll probably fail at even trying to accomplish it. We are so fixated on our desires and needs that we forget to live an even more fulfilling life. The problem is that if you just don’t know what you want or need, you can’t even really be happy.
If you dont know what you want or need, you can never really be happy. This idea is very, very true. The problem is most of us never really think about what we want or need. I dont know if I can really explain it any better, but in reality, we are always on autopilot.
There are things that we may not realize we want or need, but we do. We do want it and need it. If you dont know what you want, you can never really be happy.
“The problem” as I said before, is that we are constantly on autopilot. Even when we do have a clear idea of what we want and need, we don’t always have a clear idea of what we want or need. We may not understand what we want or need, but we do.
We think we need it and we have it, but we don’t. Like I said, this is not a bad thing to be on autopilot. I’m not saying it’s good or bad to be fully conscious of our needs and desires, but it is not to be confused with being unaware of them. It is to be aware, but it is not to be confused with being unaware.
If you’re on autopilot, you’re probably playing your game on your computer. And even if you do know what you want and need, you’re probably not playing your game to your maxed-out potential. If you’re not playing your game at your maxed-out potential you’re probably playing your game at a place where you dont have enough of a choice.
Self awareness is the first step to achieving a feelingless lifestyle. If you’re not aware of how you act, you can get yourself into trouble. And if youre not aware of how you act you might do something that you didnt intend to do. It’s easy to forget that we live in a world of choices. There is no right or wrong, and it is often impossible to foresee what someone will do.
While the act of knowing is important, self awareness is important too. Because if you do not know how you behave, you cannot control the consequences of your actions. If you are unaware of your actions, you will usually get caught. A common mistake is to make the decisions without taking the time to think.
I have a friend who is now a law enforcement officer and he uses that as an excuse to not always do things the right way. He tells me that he wants to be a better person, but he is too afraid to learn. I think his fear comes from the fact that he cannot control his emotions and he is afraid that if he doesn’t want to do something, then he may get caught and be stuck in a bad situation.