This is a great book for anyone who wants to do their own research about the subject of business and math. The author provides a very engaging approach to studying what the subject of business and math will be like in the future.
While this book is very accessible, it is also very hard to digest. The chapters are not organized in a logical way. And the writing style is a bit too technical. But for those who want to understand what business and math is all about, this is a great book.
I had a lot of trouble understanding this book because I was looking for answers that were too complex. The author wants to keep the subject as simple as possible, so even though he explains how math works, he wants us to understand the subject in as simple a way as possible.
So I don’t recommend this book for those looking for a quick primer on math for business. Math for business is much more than explaining how it works. Math is about relationships, patterns, and systems. In this book, the author tries to give an overview of the subject. He explains the main ideas of the subject and shows the different mathematical applications, but he also explains, in simple words, how most math works.
To be honest the most important reason I bought this book was because it has a lot of good math questions and answers. There is so much math in there that the answers could be wrong and there are a lot of math questions that I would love to find answers to. I know one of the questions that the author answered had a “missing step” or something, but that was in a very technical subject.
To be fair, in my own experience, I have found that the most difficult parts of this book are the math questions. I know that in some cases the answers were right and in some cases they were missing one or more steps. That’s not the same as being wrong – I just need to know that I’m learning something. There are also some math questions that I don’t understand (I’m sure there are more than a handful).
That said, it can be intimidating to know that there are at least 10,000 pages of math in this book. It is very likely that you will be challenged in some way, as you will need to know how to multiply or divide or what exactly they mean by that. The other thing I like about this book is the fact that it starts with a very simple problem and then works its way through the solution.
In this case, a “problem” is a question that is difficult to solve. For example, “In the United States, what is the capital of Florida?” is a question that is hard to solve. It has a complicated answer to it and requires a lot of steps to work out. But it is still a question that is difficult to solve. A “solution” is a very simple answer that you can solve by using a simple formula.
The book we were reviewing is written in the same format as the previous edition. So the first chapter is the same as the second and the third chapters are the same as the fourth. But unlike the first edition, it starts with a quick introduction in which the author talks about the problem and where it stands, and then it goes on to cover some general ideas about how to approach the problem. Then the author does a lot of examples and exercises to teach the reader how the problem can be solved.