Cryptography is the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third parties.
With more data breaches occurring every day, cryptography has become an essential part of cybersecurity.
Security professionals should learn this skill set to protect their organization’s most sensitive information.
security, man, escalator @ PixabayHere are 11 reasons!
1) It’s difficult to break encryption without the key: It would take a long time or be impossible with today’s technology.
2) Encryption makes sure that only those who have access to a secret key can read encrypted messages or files
3) No one can intercept your message or file and pretend they came from you
4) Cryptographic keys provide authentication by proving someone owns something without revealing what it is.
The browser knows the server’s public key and can use this to encrypt messages for that server.
But only someone with access to the corresponding private key on the other end will be able to decrypt them.
If you want a message or file encrypted so people without your secret key can read it.
Then publish its unencrypted form online in an open location.
Anyone who wants will be able to download it from there.
This approach minimizes the risk of loss or theft .
Because no one person has exclusive control over how data is stored or transmitted (e.g., if they have some physical possession of hardware).
To prove ownership of something securely while preserving confidentiality.
Digitally sign files containing sensitive information before publishing them.