lion, attack, deer @ Pixabay

Most people are scared of what they don’t understand.

That is especially true when it comes to wild animals like mountain lions.

But, the truth is that these beautiful creatures are not as dangerous as many people think.

For example, a running mountain lion can make a leap 10 meters long and 3 meters high!

The next time you see one in your backyard, try to snap some photos of it before you call animal control for help!

lions, couple, safari @ Pixabay

A running mountain lion can make a leap of up to ten meters long and three meters high.

The next time you see one in your backyard, try taking some photos before calling for help!

The average height of a human is about two meters tall.

That means that the mountain lions’ vertical jump is around six times as high as we could ever manage!

When they are standing on their hind legs, their length stretches out another meter or so past ours too.

So not only do these beautiful creatures have an impressive jumping ability but they also tower over humans when it comes to size.

What other animals share this combination?

Gorillas! Mountain Lions both match our sky-high leaps and surpass us in stature.


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