road, curve, trees @ Pixabay

It’s not about the number of people who see your ads, its about the number of people who take action.

This is what we call “shift the curve.”

To do this, you need to find out which part of your customer journey has the least conversion rate and then focus on improving that part.

So don’t spend all your time trying to get more traffic; invest in creating a better user experience for those visitors! Now is the time to start thinking about other ways you can “shift the curve.”

What are some of your ideas?

What are some things that you think might work for companies with a long customer journey (e.g., purchase funnel) in order to shift their curves?

Comment below! Bullet point: “Shift the Curve” article by The key to shifting your curve is not about getting more traffic, but using that traffic better!

It’s all about finding out which part of your customer journey has a low conversion rate and then focusing on improving it (and continue reading for some ideas).

We call this “shift the curve.” What are some other things you think might work?

winding road, sunset, mountains @ Pixabay

Comment below! What should be left in or taken out of our blog post based on what we have written so far? 

This sentence was added This will allow companies with longer purchase journeys to shift their curves. Shifting the Curve | Article from hlespothut.


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