“A Regra do Jogo” é um filme de esportes que mostra a realidade dos jogos. O protagonista, Tóti (Johan Rudebeck), tem o sonho de ser jogador profissional e está disposto a tudo para concretizar essa meta. Ele chega até mesmo a fugir da escola para treinar com os times locais em troca de uma bicicleta velha. Tóti faz amigos no meio, mas não consegue vencer na partida contra o time adversário. A regra do jogo capitulo, What did you like the best about this movie? The best part of the movie was when Tóti and his friends from school were playing football on a dusty, empty field. The team lost in an important game because they did not have any substitutes left to fill in for injured players. What is your favourite scene? My favourite scene is when Tóti’s teammates get kicked out of their house after he gets there late at night again – yet another time where circumstances that are beyond anyone’s control affect the destiny of our protagonist. I like this moment because it highlights how many times we can be beaten down by factors outside what we ourselves choose or manage but still come back fighting eventually anyways; it emphasizes life’s natural willingness to overcome obstacles.”A Reg


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