This board is made up of entrepreneurs, executives, consultants, and small business owners that want to create the best work environment they can while also protecting their employees and creating great jobs.
The board of directors comprises a variety of professional areas. Most of the board members are either executives, consultants, or consultants who also work at companies like Google, Facebook, and Yahoo.
Our members come from a wide range of backgrounds and occupations, from business owners of small startups to corporate executives. So, yes, they are all business leaders. But it’s also true that you don’t always get to choose your own path. A person with a business-minded personality could be a member of the board of directors of the Palm Beach County business development board, and vice-versa.
Palm Beach County is the county that has the most companies that are doing real estate development. Of course, it is also the county that has the most people who are doing real estate development. And it’s also the county that has the most companies that are doing real estate development. So how do you choose who to put in the board? You need to have a pretty strong sense of how the business community in the county functions and who will be a good fit.
One of the best ways to find out who will be a good fit is to look at the board. We’ve seen many people come to the board only to see that their ideas were not welcomed. They were turned down for being “too conservative.” Or for giving up too much autonomy. But most importantly, they were turned down because they were not business leaders. So how do you know if you are the right person for the job? Look at the board.
We have a very well-organized business community in Palm Beach County (you can read more about it here). However, we know that a board of this size won’t be well-rounded. No one would want to run the county’s business. But it takes two to tango. So we have made a business development board. It allows us to choose who will be our business leaders and who might be a good fit.
Palm Beach County is currently facing a budget shortfall of $1.1 billion. We need to get business leaders to take this in hand and do a better job of making the county better and more successful. This board will guide us to make that happen. And if you want to be one of our business leaders, fill out this form and send it to: business@palmbeachcounty.
A business development board seems to be the easiest way to get yourself a real job in Palm Beach County. You’ll be given input on what makes the most sense and what will make the most impact. They will select the best business leaders and provide them with the chance to take the county to the next level.
The Palm Beach County business development board is made up of business leaders from a number of different industries. You will hear from a number of these leaders when you fill out our forms, and you will probably even get to meet them. Of course, that’s not what you’re going to hear about, unless you live in Florida.
This is not a competition. Its a forum for business leaders, who provide support to the county’s growth. In other words, they are the people who will be making the key decisions about how to grow Palm Beach County. So you don’t have to worry about what you think. You’ll get to know members of the board, they’ll be talking to you about the most important issues facing the county.