A professional who specializes in analyzing and designing business systems is called an “analyst.
The word, analyst, comes from the Latin phrase meaning “to analyze,” .
Which means closely examining something in order to understand its components or how it works.
When evaluating a system, analysts look at all of the different aspects of the system and identify what areas need improvement.
This includes looking at things like quality control measures for production lines as well as customer service practices.
The position really came into existence during World War II .
When there was a surge in demand for automation engineers.
Due to wartime needs such as automated bomb-aimers simulators and gunsights on airplanes.
The term “systems analysis” emerged in the late 1940s.
The position really came into existence during World War II when there was a surge in demand for automation engineers .
Due to wartime needs such as automated bomb-aimers simulators and gunsights on airplanes.
The word, systems analysis, emerged in the late 1940s.
This is an example of how you would use a longform blog post to put your story across without having bullet points or numbers interrupting your sentence flow.
When evaluating a system , analysts look at all of the different aspects of the system.