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One of the most controversial topics in economics is price discrimination.

It’s been around for centuries, and to this day many people still debate.

Whether it should be looked at as a good or bad thing.

In this blog post, we will examine the definition of price discrimination.

Why you might want to use it and how an economist would look at different types of price discriminating pure monopolists.

This is the beginning of an article. It’s a short introduction to price discrimination.

Explaining that it has been around for centuries and many people debate whether or not it should be looked at as good or bad.

The blog post will go on to talk about different types of price discriminating pure monopolists.

Why you might want to use this technique in your business?

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First, we need to define what exactly Price Discrimination is before going into some examples.

A Pricing strategy where sellers charge each buyer (or group) prices set according to their willingness and ability to pay.

This can mean charging more money for items than they actually cost if customers are willing enough but less than those same items would usually retail for .

If they’re mostly purchased by low.


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