I am still trying to figure out the need for a ps4 cables. I see the cable, then the ps4, then the usb cable, then the ps4 usb cable, and then ps4 usb cable. Then I’m thinking, okay, I need more cables, then I’m thinking, I got enough cables. Then I start having my hopes down, that there isn’t going to be a need for this.
Well in my humble opinion, there could be. That’s because a ps4 has the same USB ports as a regular ps3, and since there are tons of people who own both consoles, you’re not going to need a lot of cables. Even the USB cable itself is the same size as a USB 3.0 cable, and the usb 3.0 port is the same size as a 32GB memory stick. So you could probably get away with just one usb cable for these purposes.
This is a good point. The only reason I would want a cable is if it was going to be used to power a game on my ps3. I have a PS4 and a PS3, and I can’t use my PS3’s USB ports for anything but charging. The only USB port that the PS4 has is to charge the PS3, so I’m not really worried about using that either.
In a lot of ways, PS4 cables are easier to use than USB cables, because of the ability to plug one cable into two different ports. But there are a few things to keep in mind. First, if you plan on using the cable to power your PS3, you should be sure to use a USB 2.0 cable. USB 2.0 cables have the largest difference in impedance between two USB 3.0 cables, and they are generally the best for powering devices.
For example, a PS3 game on a PS4 connected to the same USB cable as the PS3.
I also find it helpful to use a power cable that doesn’t have any copper around it. One of the main reasons for USB cables being the best to power devices is that they have the largest difference in impedance between two USB 3.0 cables, and they are generally the best for powering devices.
Some people like to buy multiple cables for these reasons. I’d rather spend the extra money on a cable that won’t work with my game than waste it on a cable that does have copper around it.
That’s why I recommend using a power cable for your PS4, and only use a small one for your games. USB cables are cheap, but they require a lot of testing and use, so it’s best to invest in a cable that doesnt need testing, and a cable that performs well.
With that said, if you go to any game store and you see a game that needs “gamer cables,” you wont be able to get them because the store wont sell them. If you want them to work with your games, you need to either get them from the game store, or buy them at a store that will sell them. I would not recommend buying them at a store that sells them, because they are not always good quality, and you will end up spending more money on them.
I have a good feeling about this, so I went to my local game store and asked the person at the counter to let me try out a few cables. It was the best thing I’ve done so far. The store employee told me that the cables were mostly used for games like Tomb Raider and Borderlands 3 and were pretty good, but he would not sell them because they werent tested. I think this is because they are more expensive than regular cables.